グリーン・デイ 来日公演中止のお知らせ
2021年3月に振替公演の開催を予定しておりましたGREEN DAY来日公演は、公演を中止とさせて頂くこととなりました。
We regret to announce that Green Day Japan Tour, which was postponed to March 2021, now has been cancelled due to the effect of the ongoing Coronavirus.
We were doing our best to set new dates instead of cancelling, but considering the current drastic increase of COVID-cases, it’s quite difficult to foresee when the COVID situation gets stable and we certainly did not want to keep our customers wait for new information any longer in this unstable situation, so we’ve decided to cancel the tour for now.
We ask that you have your tickets refunded during the period stated below via ticket agencies and for further details of the refund process.
Refund window: January 19th, 2021 ~ February 20th, 2021
For more information about the refund, please visit here
We deeply apologize to all parties concerned especially those customers who bought tickets and have been waiting and looking forward to the amazing Green Day experience. We wish the COVID situation gets resolved soon and to bring Green Day back to you all Japanese fans!
We regret to announce that Green Day Japan Tour, which was postponed to March 2021, now has been cancelled due to the effect of the ongoing Coronavirus.
We were doing our best to set new dates instead of cancelling, but considering the current drastic increase of COVID-cases, it’s quite difficult to foresee when the COVID situation gets stable and we certainly did not want to keep our customers wait for new information any longer in this unstable situation, so we’ve decided to cancel the tour for now.
We ask that you have your tickets refunded during the period stated below via ticket agencies and for further details of the refund process.
Refund window: January 19th, 2021 ~ February 20th, 2021
For more information about the refund, please visit here
We deeply apologize to all parties concerned especially those customers who bought tickets and have been waiting and looking forward to the amazing Green Day experience. We wish the COVID situation gets resolved soon and to bring Green Day back to you all Japanese fans!