
IRON MAIDEN 公演中止のお知らせ







<Announcement : IRON MAIDEN Japan tour cancelled>
Due to COVID-19 spread, and State of Emergency declaration made by Japanese Government, IRON MAIDEN Japan tour in May has been cancelled.
We are working closely with the Artist to seek future touring opportunity in Japan, but in the meantime, we ask all the ticket holders to proceed with refund.

Ticket refund for the Artist’s May tickets will be available between April 15th 2020 through July 31st, at the point of purchase.
We apologize for inconvenience caused by this cancellation.

Last but not least, prayers and best wishes for the victims and their families.

For more information about the refund, please visit here

Creativeman Productions

Rod Smallwood, Iron Maiden manager adds

“We were extremely saddened that our concerts in Tokyo and Osaka in May were cancelled, but it is of course completely understandable due to the ongoing Worldwide pandemic and the rightful need for everyone’s safety and well-being to be a priority. We will of course return to your beautiful country and look forward to seeing our fans there then, and in the meantime please take very good care of yourselves ”

2020年5月、東京と大阪で予定されていた私たちのツアーがキャンセルとなってしまったことは、非常に残念で悲しく思っております。しかし、世界的パンデミックの最中の決断であり、皆様の健康と安全が最優先課題であることは疑いの余地がありません。私たちは必ず美しい国 日本に戻って参ります。そして私たちを応援してくれるファンの皆様にまた会うことを楽しみにしています。それまで、どうか安全にお過ごし下さい。
アイアン・メイデン マネージャー、ロッド・スモールウッド
