
Clean BanditからNeilに関してのコメントが到着

Clean BanditからNeil脱退に関してのコメントが到着しました。
なおClean Banditはelectrox 2017大阪単独公演に予定通り出演いたします。

とても残念だけれども、この夏のTearsのパフォーマンスがNeilにとってClean Banditで行う最後のSHOWになってしまいました。彼から脱退する事にしたと最近打ち明けられたんだ。
Jack, Grace and Luke – CLEAN BANDIT

It is with great sadness that we must announce that our performances of Tears over the Summer were Neil’s last shows with Clean Bandit. He told us recently that he has decided to leave. We have had a wonderful ride together and we are extremely excited to see what he does next. We are also very much looking forward to our upcoming shows and to sharing our new music with you. Thank you all for your support during this time, and thank you Neil for being part of this amazing journey. We will miss you a lot on this next chapter and we wish you the best of luck for the future.
Jack, Grace and Luke – CLEAN BANDIT