RICK ASTLEY 来日公演 払い戻しにつきまして
※LINE TICKET払戻し期間:3/18(水)10:00~3/31(火)23:59
Those who wish to receive a refund
In light of the recent outbreak of the coronavirus, we will make refund for those who could not come to the venue.
If you wish to receive a refund, please process the refund at the ticket agency you purchased your ticket.
Refund period: Mon 9 Mar, 2020 10:00 AM ~ Tue 31 Mar, 2020 11:59 PM
※LINE TICKET refund period: wed 18 Mar, 2020 10:00 AM ~ Tue 31 Mar, 2020 11:59 PM
※Please note that you will not be able to receive a refund after the refund period.
※Refund procedures differ depending on how you received and purchased your ticket.
※Business hour differ depending on ticket agencies.
※Please note that you need your purchased tickets when receiving a refund.
※Please note that we are not able to give a refund if the ticket stub has been separated.
※Please note that we will not make refund at venues.
For more information about the refund, please visit here
For the show information, please visit here
※LINE TICKET払戻し期間:3/18(水)10:00~3/31(火)23:59
Regarding refunds for RICK ASTLEY Japan Tour
Those who wish to receive a refund
In light of the recent outbreak of the coronavirus, we will make refund for those who could not come to the venue.
If you wish to receive a refund, please process the refund at the ticket agency you purchased your ticket.
Refund period: Mon 9 Mar, 2020 10:00 AM ~ Tue 31 Mar, 2020 11:59 PM
※LINE TICKET refund period: wed 18 Mar, 2020 10:00 AM ~ Tue 31 Mar, 2020 11:59 PM
※Please note that you will not be able to receive a refund after the refund period.
※Refund procedures differ depending on how you received and purchased your ticket.
※Business hour differ depending on ticket agencies.
※Please note that you need your purchased tickets when receiving a refund.
※Please note that we are not able to give a refund if the ticket stub has been separated.
※Please note that we will not make refund at venues.
For more information about the refund, please visit here
For the show information, please visit here