RUEL 公演延期のお知らせ
3/16(月) duo MUSIC EXCHANGE・3/17(火) 梅田 TRADにて予定しておりましたRuelの来日公演ですが、アジアツアー全体の延期により、やむを得ず、9/29(火)梅田 TRAD・9/30(水)渋谷duo MUSIC EXCHANGEへと日付を変更させていただく運びとなりました。
Announcement of postponement of the Ruel concerts (as of 20 Feb)
We regret to announce that the Ruel concerts originally scheduled on Monday 16 March, 2020 at duo MUSIC EXCHANGE and Tuesday 17 March, 2020 at Umeda TRAD have been postponed due to the unavoidable postponement of the entire Asian tour. The rescheduled dates are Tuesday 29 September, 2020 at Umeda Trad and Wednesday 30 September, 2020 at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE.
Your tickets for the original dates will be valid for the rescheduled dates. Please ensure you keep your tickets safe. If you will not be able to attend the rescheduled shows, we will refund your tickets.
The refund process will be announced on our website and 3A/Mobile site at a later date.
We deeply apologize to those customers who bought tickets and have been looking forward to the concert.
Announcement of postponement of the Ruel concerts (as of 20 Feb)
We regret to announce that the Ruel concerts originally scheduled on Monday 16 March, 2020 at duo MUSIC EXCHANGE and Tuesday 17 March, 2020 at Umeda TRAD have been postponed due to the unavoidable postponement of the entire Asian tour. The rescheduled dates are Tuesday 29 September, 2020 at Umeda Trad and Wednesday 30 September, 2020 at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE.
Your tickets for the original dates will be valid for the rescheduled dates. Please ensure you keep your tickets safe. If you will not be able to attend the rescheduled shows, we will refund your tickets.
The refund process will be announced on our website and 3A/Mobile site at a later date.
We deeply apologize to those customers who bought tickets and have been looking forward to the concert.