11.18 (月) 福岡公演がSOLD OUTとなりました!
11.23 (土) ・ 24 (日)東京、11.26 (火)京都公演がSOLD OUTとなりました!
Thom Yorke to tour solo for the first time in his career! In addition to Radiohead songs, Thom Yorke will perform a set that will encompass his career, from various solo and soundtrack projects to his latest work with The Smile!
一般発売日: 8/31(土) 10:00am
※先行にて完売となった場合は、 一般発売はございませんのでご了承ください。
INFO:クリエイティブマン :03-3499-6669 (月・水・金 12:00〜16:00)
一般発売日: 8/31(土) 10:00am
※先行にて完売となった場合は、 一般発売はございませんのでご了承ください。
INFO:クリエイティブマン :03-3499-6669 (月・水・金 12:00〜16:00)
一般発売日: 6/29(土) 10:00am
※先行にて完売となった場合は、 一般発売はございませんのでご了承ください。 簡易座席図はこちら
※ハンディキャップエリアをご希望のお客様はA席のチケットをご購入お願いいたします。チケットご購入後、お手数ですがキョードーインフォメーション :0570-200-888へハンディキャップエリア利用申請のご連絡をお願いいたします。(チケットご購入後、早めの申請にご協力をお願いします。)
INFO:キョードーインフォメーション :0570-200-888
一般発売日: 6/29(土) 10:00am
※先行にて完売となった場合は、 一般発売はございませんのでご了承ください。
INFO:キョードー西日本 :0570-09-2424
一般発売日: 6/29(土) 10:00am
※先行にて完売となった場合は、 一般発売はございませんのでご了承ください。
INFO:YUMEBANCHI(広島) :082-249-3571
一般発売日: 6/29(土) 10:00am
※先行にて完売となった場合は、 一般発売はございませんのでご了承ください。※WEB販売のみ
INFO:キョードー東海 :052-972-7466
一般発売日: 6/29(土) 10:00am
※先行にて完売となった場合は、 一般発売はございませんのでご了承ください。
INFO:クリエイティブマン :03-3499-6669 (月・水・金 12:00〜16:00)
一般発売日: 6/29(土) 10:00am
※先行にて完売となった場合は、 一般発売はございませんのでご了承ください。注釈付き A席は会場の構造上、ステージが見えづらい可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。
※ハンディキャップエリアをご希望のお客様はA席のチケットをご購入お願いいたします。チケットご購入後、お手数ですがキョードーインフォメーション :0570-200-888へハンディキャップエリア利用申請のご連絡をお願いいたします。(チケットご購入後、早めの申請にご協力をお願いします。)
INFO:キョードーインフォメーション :0570-200-888
9枚のアルバムをリリースし、グラミー賞、アイヴァー・ノヴェロ賞を初め高い評価を得ているレディオヘッドのリードシンガー/ソングライターであるトム・ヨークはこの数十年で最も素晴らしく影響力のある活動が広く評価されている。バンドはロックの殿堂入りを果たし、1997年のアルバム『OK Computer』は米国議会図書館に保存されている。
レディオヘッドの他に、トム・ヨークは『The Eraser』(2006)、 『Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes』 (2014) 『Anima』 (2019)の3枚のスタジオソロアルバムをリリースしている。
最近では、レディオヘッドのメンバーであるジョニー・グリーンウッド、ドラマー兼パーカッショニスト兼プロデューサーのトム・スキナーとコラボレーションし、ザ・スマイルを結成した。彼らはこれまでに2枚のスタジオ・アルバム『A Light For Attracting Attention』(2022年)と『Wall Of Eyes』(2024年)をリリースしている。
Aug 31(Sat) on sale
SEATING MAPTicket is available for customers outside of Japan via the links below.
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of
age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be
difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action
cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A-seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please apply for handicapped area seating
from the following link. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing
your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including
damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will
not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees
to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes,
cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including
your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or
Aug 31(Sat) on sale
SEATING MAPTicket is available for customers outside of Japan via the links below.
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of
age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be
difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action
cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A-seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please apply for handicapped area seating
from the following link. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing
your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including
damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will
not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees
to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes,
cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including
your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or
Jun 29(Sat) on sale
SEATING MAPTicket is available for customers outside of Japan via the links below.
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of
age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be
difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action
cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A-seat
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact Kyodo information at
0570-200-888 to
apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as possible after
purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason,
including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will
not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees
to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes,
cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including
your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or
Jun 29(Sat) on sale
SEATING MAPTicket is available for customers outside of Japan via the links below.
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of
age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be
difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action
cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A-seat
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact Kyodo-west at
0570-09-2424 to apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as
possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for
any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of
the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will
not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees
to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes,
cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including
your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or
Jun 29(Sat) on sale
SEATING MAPTicket is available for customers outside of Japan via the links below.
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of
age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be
difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action
cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A-seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact Yumebanchi at
082-249-3571 to apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as
possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for
any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of
the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will
not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees
to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes,
cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including
your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or
Jun 29(Sat) on sale
SEATING MAPTicket is available for customers outside of Japan via the links below.
Please check the website for tickets available for purchase.
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of
age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be
difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action
cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A-seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact Kyodo Tokai at 052-972-7466 to apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as
possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for
any reason, including damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of
the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will
not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees
to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes,
cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including
your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or
Jun 29(Sat) on sale
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of
age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be
difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action
cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A-seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please apply for handicapped area seating
from the following link. (Please apply as soon as possible after purchasing
your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including
damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will
not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees
to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes,
cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including
your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or
Jun 29(Sat) on sale
SEATING MAPCustomers’ views in Conditional A might be interrupted by production equipment installed
*Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter. Children 6 years of
age and older must have a ticket.
*Ticket sales will end once the specified number of tickets has been sold.
In this case, there will be no general sale.
*Depending on your seat location, some performances or performers may be
difficult to see.
*Please be aware that bringing video cameras, professional cameras (with interchangeable lenses), telephoto lenses, sound recording equipment, action
cameras, etc. and live streaming is prohibited.
*If you would like to sit in the handicapped area, please purchase an A-seat ticket.
*After purchasing your ticket, please contact Kyodo information at
0570-200-888 to apply for handicapped area seating. (Please apply as soon as
possible after purchasing your ticket.)
*Tickets will not be reissued for any reason, including
damage, loss, or forgetting your ticket on the day of the performance.
*In the event of a cancellation or postponement of this performance, we will
not reimburse you for travel expenses, accommodation, or cancellation fees
to the venue.
*Except for cancellations or postponements, we will not make any changes,
cancellations, or refunds to your ticket purchase for any reason, including
your own convenience, illness (including COVID-19, influenza, etc.), or